My name is Marisa Diaz, an Oakland-based artist and student at San Jose State University. Life hasn't been easy with chronic illness, educational disabilities, and growing up in a low-income family. Yet, my creativity is a source of purpose and fulfillment. I experiment with various art mediums, both traditional and digital, and have created diverse work. Pursuing a career in digital media art with a focus on video game art and animation, I'm honing my skills at San Jose State. I've already published a game in the Google Play store and contributed concept art to triple-A games. I aspire to create virtual 3D cinematics with compelling narratives that reach a broad audience. My tools include Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, After Effects, Unity, Unreal 5, Maya, Blender, and Rokoko Mocap. My ultimate goal is to inspire others to pursue creative endeavors.
Contact: marisa.diaz@sjsu.edu