Big Brother is Watching You | 2017 | 8325 x 10775 | Digital Art
Adobe Illustrator
"Big Brother Is Watching You" was inspired by my love for dystopian literature and my recent reading of George Orwell's 1984. Using the Illustrator program, I sought to visually explore some of the novel's themes and concepts, particularly those related to political oppression and the erosion of personal freedoms. As I worked on the piece, I was also reminded of my grandmother's experience growing up in a communist-era Cuban society, which further influenced my creative choices. Through my use of color, form, and other artistic techniques, I aimed to convey the sense of unease and paranoia that permeates Orwell's novel, as well as the sense of urgency that I feel about certain political and social issues in our own society. By drawing attention to the parallels between Orwell's world and our own, I hope to provoke thought and discussion about how we can strive to create a more just, equitable, and free society.

Carteles Yemaya | 2020 | 1688 x 2254 | Digital Art
Carteles Yemaya is an homage to the Cuban illustrator Andres Garcia and his series of illustrated magazines dating from the 1920s to the late 1950s. I was captivated by Garcia's iconic Art Deco style that blended modernist aesthetics and Cuban folklore, and I wanted to create my own interpretation that celebrated both the style and the subject matter. My focus was on the ocean mother goddess Yemaya, who represents fertility, love, and nurturing in Yoruba and Afro-Cuban traditions. In my version of Yemaya, she is depicted with her skirts filled with her fish children, symbolizing the abundance and diversity of life in the sea. Her graceful movements evoke the dance of the rumbas, where the Orishas - the deities of the Afro-Cuban religion - are embodied by the dancers. By emphasizing Yemaya's femininity and quiet power, I aim to highlight the role of women in our culture as healers, protectors, and creators. Using Procreate, a digital drawing tool, I was able to experiment with shapes, colors, and textures until I arrived at an image that resonated with my vision. This artwork is not only a tribute to Garcia's legacy but also a reflection of my own artistic journey as a Latina who seeks to connect with the roots of my heritage and explore new forms of expression.